| ||
item : label-string?
n : exact-nonnegative-integer?
Selected items that are not deleted remain selected, and no other items are selected.
(send a-list-control find-string s)
→ (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f) s : string?
(send a-list-control get-number) → exact-nonnegative-integer?
(send a-list-control get-selection)
→ (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f)
(send a-list-control get-string n)
→ (and/c immutable? label-string?) n : exact-nonnegative-integer?
(send a-list-control get-string-selection)
→ (or/c (and/c immutable? label-string?) #f)
(send a-list-control set-selection n) → void?
n : exact-nonnegative-integer?
In a list box control, all other items are deselected, even if multiple selections are allowed in the control. See also select in list-box%.
The control’s callback procedure is not invoked when this method is called.
The list control’s selection can be changed by the user clicking the control, and such changes do not go through this method; use the control callback procedure (provided as an initialization argument) to monitor selection changes.
(send a-list-control set-string-selection s) → void?
s : string?
In a list box control, all other items are deselected, even if multiple selections are allowed in the control. See also select in list-box%.
The control’s callback procedure is not invoked when this method is called.
The list control’s selection can be changed by the user clicking the control, and such changes do not go through this method; use the control callback procedure (provided as an initialization argument) to monitor selection changes.