2 Values and Types
A Racket value is represented by a pointer-sized value. The low bit is
a mark bit: a 1 in the low bit indicates an immediate integer, a 0
indicates a (word-aligned) pointer.
A pointer Racket value references a structure that begins with a
Scheme_Object sub-structure, which in turn starts with a tag
that has the C type Scheme_Type. The rest of the structure,
following the Scheme_Object header, is type-dependent.
Racket’s C interface gives Racket values the type
Scheme_Object*. (The “object” here does not refer to objects
in the sense of the racket/class library.)
Examples of Scheme_Type values include scheme_pair_type
and scheme_symbol_type. Some of these are implemented as
instances of Scheme_Simple_Object, which is defined in
"scheme.h", but extension or embedding code should never access
this structure directly. Instead, the code should use macros, such as
SCHEME_CAR, that provide access to the data of common Racket
For most Racket types, a constructor is provided for creating values
of the type. For example, scheme_make_pair takes two
Scheme_Object* values and returns the cons of the
The macro SCHEME_TYPE takes a Scheme_Object * and returns
the type of the object. This macro performs the tag-bit check, and
returns scheme_integer_type when the value is an immediate
integer; otherwise, SCHEME_TYPE follows the pointer to get the
type tag. Macros are provided to test for common Racket types; for
example, SCHEME_PAIRP returns 1 if the value is a cons
cell, 0 otherwise.
In addition to providing constructors, Racket defines six global
constant Racket values: scheme_true, scheme_false,
scheme_null, scheme_eof, scheme_void, and
scheme_undefined. Each of these has a type tag, but each is
normally recognized via its constant address.
An extension or embedding application
can create new a primitive data type by calling
scheme_make_type, which returns a fresh Scheme_Type
value. To create a collectable instance of this type, allocate memory
for the instance with scheme_malloc. From Racket’s
perspective, the main constraint on the data format of such an
instance is that the first sizeof(Scheme_Object) bytes must
correspond to a Scheme_Object record; furthermore, the first
sizeof(Scheme_Type) bytes must contain the value returned by
scheme_make_type. Extensions with modest needs can use
scheme_make_cptr, instead of creating an entirely new type.
Racket values should never be allocated on the stack, and they should
never contain pointers to values on the stack. Besides the problem of
restricting the value’s lifetime to that of the stack frame,
allocating values on the stack creates problems for continuations and
threads, both of which copy into and out of the stack.
2.1 Standard Types
The following are the Scheme_Type values for the standard
scheme_bool_type — the constants
scheme_true and scheme_false are the only values of this
type; use SCHEME_FALSEP to recognize scheme_false and use
SCHEME_TRUEP to recognize anything except scheme_false;
test for this type with SCHEME_BOOLP
scheme_char_type — SCHEME_CHAR_VAL
extracts the character (of type mzchar); test for this type
scheme_integer_type — fixnum integers, which are
identified via the tag bit rather than following a pointer to this
Scheme_Type value; SCHEME_INT_VAL extracts the integer
to an intptr_t; test for this type with SCHEME_INTP
scheme_double_type — flonum inexact numbers;
floating-point value; test for this type with SCHEME_DBLP
scheme_float_type — single-precision flonum
inexact numbers, when specifically enabled when compiling Racket;
floating-point value; test for this type with SCHEME_FLTP
scheme_bignum_type — test for this type with
scheme_rational_type — test for this type with
scheme_complex_type — test for this type or
scheme_complex_izi_type with SCHEME_COMPLEXP
scheme_complex_izi_type — complex number with an inexact
zero imaginary part (so it counts as a real number); test for this
type specifically with SCHEME_COMPLEX_IZIP
scheme_char_string_type — SCHEME_CHAR_STR_VAL extracts the string
as a mzchar*; the string is always nul-terminated, but may also
contain embedded nul characters, and the Racket string is modified if
this string is modified; SCHEME_CHAR_STRLEN_VAL extracts the
string length (in characters, not counting the nul terminator); test
for this type with SCHEME_CHAR_STRINGP
scheme_byte_string_type —
SCHEME_BYTE_STR_VAL extracts the string as a char*; the
string is always nul-terminated, but may also contain embedded nul
characters, and the Racket string is modified if this string is
modified; SCHEME_BYTE_STRLEN_VAL extracts the string length
(in bytes, not counting the nul terminator); test for this type with
scheme_path_type —
extracts the path as a char*; the string is always
nul-terminated; SCHEME_PATH_LEN extracts the path length (in
bytes, not counting the nul terminator); test for this type with
scheme_symbol_type — SCHEME_SYM_VAL
extracts the symbol’s string as a char* UTF-8 encoding (do not
modify this string); SCHEME_SYM_LEN extracts the number of
bytes in the symbol name (not counting the nul terminator); test for
this type with SCHEME_SYMBOLP; 3m: see Cooperating with 3m for
a caution about SCHEME_SYM_VAL
scheme_keyword_type — SCHEME_KEYWORD_VAL
extracts the keyword’s string (without the leading hash colon) as a
char* UTF-8 encoding (do not modify this string);
SCHEME_KEYWORD_LEN extracts the number of bytes in the keyword
name (not counting the nul terminator); test for this type with
SCHEME_KEYWORDP; 3m: see Cooperating with 3m for a caution
scheme_box_type — SCHEME_BOX_VAL
extracts/sets the boxed value; test for this type with
scheme_pair_type — SCHEME_CAR extracts/sets
the car and SCHEME_CDR extracts/sets the
cdr; test for this type with SCHEME_PAIRP
scheme_mutable_pair_type — SCHEME_MCAR extracts/sets
the mcar and SCHEME_MCDR extracts/sets the
mcdr; test for this type with SCHEME_MPAIRP
scheme_vector_type — SCHEME_VEC_SIZE
extracts the length and SCHEME_VEC_ELS extracts the array of
Racket values (the Racket vector is modified when this array is
modified); test for this type with SCHEME_VECTORP; 3m: see
Cooperating with 3m for a caution about SCHEME_VEC_ELS
scheme_structure_type — structure instances; test
for this type with SCHEME_STRUCTP
scheme_struct_type_type — structure types; test for
this type with SCHEME_STRUCT_TYPEP
scheme_struct_property_type — structure type
scheme_input_port_type — SCHEME_INPORT_VAL
extracts/sets the user data pointer; test for just this type with
all input ports (including structures with the
prop:input-port property)
scheme_output_port_type — SCHEME_OUTPORT_VAL
extracts/sets the user data pointer; test for just this type with
recognize all output ports (including structures with the
prop:output-port property)
scheme_thread_type — thread descriptors; test for
this type with SCHEME_THREADP
scheme_sema_type — semaphores; test for this type
scheme_hash_table_type — test for this type with
scheme_bucket_table_type — test for this type with
scheme_weak_box_type — test for this type with
SCHEME_WEAKP; SCHEME_WEAK_PTR extracts the contained
object, or NULL after the content is collected; do not set the
content of a weak box
scheme_namespace_type — namespaces; test for this
scheme_cpointer_type — #<void> pointer with a
type-describing Scheme_Object; SCHEME_CPTR_VAL extracts
the pointer and SCHEME_CPTR_TYPE extracts the type tag object;
test for this type with SCHEME_CPTRP. The tag is used when
printing such objects when it’s a symbol, a byte string, a string, or
a pair holding one of these in its car.
The following are the procedure types:
The predicate SCHEME_PROCP returns 1 for all procedure types
and 0 for anything else.
The following are additional number predicates:
2.2 Global Constants
There are six global constants:
2.3 Strings
As noted in Racket, Unicode, Characters, and Strings, a Racket character is a Unicode
code point represented by a mzchar value, and character strings
are mzchar arrays. Racket also supplies byte strings, which
are char arrays.
For a character string s, SCHEME_CHAR_STR_VAL(s)
produces a pointer to mzchars, not chars. Convert a
character string to its UTF-8 encoding as byte string with
scheme_char_string_to_byte_string. For a byte string
bs, SCHEME_BYTE_STR_VAL(bs) produces a pointer
to chars. The function
scheme_byte_string_to_char_string decodes a byte string as
UTF-8 and produces a character string. The functions
scheme_char_string_to_byte_string_locale and
scheme_byte_string_to_char_string_locale are similar, but
they use the current locale’s encoding instead of UTF-8.
For more fine-grained control over UTF-8 encoding, use the
scheme_utf8_decode and scheme_utf8_encode functions, which
are described in String Encodings.
2.4 Value Functions
Returns the character value. The ch value must be a legal
Unicode code point (and not a surrogate, for example). The first 256
characters are represented by constant Racket values, and others are
scheme_make_char, but the result is
is not a legal Unicode code point.
Returns the character value. This is a macro that directly accesses
the array of constant characters when ch is less than 256.
Returns the character value, assuming that ch is less than 256. (This is a macro.)
Returns the integer value; i must fit in a fixnum. (This is a macro.)
Returns the integer value. If i does not fit in a fixnum,
a bignum is returned.
Creates an integer given the high and low
intptr_ts of a signed
integer. Note that on 64-bit platforms where
long long is the
same as
intptr_t, the resulting integer has 128 bits. (See also
Creates an integer given the high and low intptr_ts of an unsigned
integer. Note that on 64-bit platforms where long long is the
same as intptr_t, the resulting integer has 128 bits.
Extracts the integer value. Unlike the
this procedure will extract an integer that fits in a
intptr_t from
a Racket bignum. If
o fits in a
intptr_t, the extracted
integer is placed in
*i and 1 is returned; otherwise, 0 is
returned and
*i is unmodified.
Creates a new floating-point value.
Creates a new single-precision floating-point value. The procedure is
available only when Racket is compiled with single-precision
numbers enabled.
Converts a Racket real number to a double-precision floating-point
Makes a Racket byte string from a nul-terminated C string. The
bytes string is copied.
Makes a byte string value with size len. A copy of bytes
is made if copy is not 0. The string bytes should
contain len bytes; bytes can contain the nul byte at any
position, and need not be nul-terminated if copy is
non-zero. However, if len is negative, then the nul-terminated
length of bytes is used for the length, and if copy is
zero, then bytes must be nul-terminated.
Allocates a new Racket byte string.
Creates a new byte string by appending the two given byte strings.
Makes a Racket string from a nul-terminated byte string that is a
locale-specific encoding of a character string; a new string is
allocated during decoding. The “locale in the name of this function
thus refers to bytes, and not the resulting string (which is
internally stored as UCS-4).
Makes a Racket string from a nul-terminated byte string that is a
UTF-8 encoding. A new string is allocated during decoding. The
“utf8” in the name of this function thus refers to bytes, and
not the resulting string (which is internally stored as UCS-4).
Makes a string value, based on len UTF-8-encoding bytes (so the
resulting string is len characters or less). The string
bytes should contain at least len bytes; bytes can
contain the nul byte at any position, and need not be
null-terminated. However, if len is negative, then the
nul-terminated length of bytes is used for the length.
Makes a Racket string from a nul-terminated UCS-4 string. The
chars string is copied.
Makes a string value with size len. A copy of chars is
made if copy is not 0. The string chars should
contain len characters; chars can contain the nul
character at any position, and need not be nul-terminated
if copy is non-zero. However, if len is negative, then
the nul-terminated length of chars is used for the length, and
if copy is zero, then the chars must be nul-terminated.
Allocates a new Racket string.
Creates a new string by appending the two given strings.
Converts a Racket character string into a Racket byte string via UTF-8.
Converts a Racket byte string into a Racket character string via UTF-8.
Converts a Racket character string into a Racket byte string via the locale’s encoding.
Converts a Racket byte string into a Racket character string via the locale’s encoding.
Finds (or creates) the symbol matching the given nul-terminated, ASCII
string (not UTF-8). The case of
name is (non-destructively) normalized
before interning if
scheme_case_sensitive is 0.
Creates or finds a symbol given the symbol’s length in UTF-8-encoding
bytes. The case of name is not normalized.
Creates an uninterned symbol from a nul-terminated, UTF-8-encoding
string. The case is not normalized.
Creates an uninterned symbol given the symbol’s length in
UTF-8-encoded bytes.
Creates or finds a keyword given the keywords length in UTF-8-encoding
bytes. The case of name is not normalized, and it should
not include the leading hash and colon of the keyword’s printed form.
Allocates a new vector.
Creates a new box containing the value v.
Creates a new weak box containing the value v.
Creates a new type (not a Racket value).
Creates a C-pointer object that encapsulates
ptr and uses
typetag to identify the type of the pointer. The
SCHEME_CPTRP macro recognizes objects created by
scheme_make_cptr. The
SCHEME_CPTR_VAL macro extracts
the original
ptr from the Racket object, and
SCHEME_CPTR_TYPE extracts the type tag.
for the result Racket object.
The ptr can refer to either memory managed by the garbage
collector or by some other memory manager. Beware, however, of
retaining a ptr that refers to memory released by another
memory manager, since the enclosing memory range might later become
managed by the garbage collector (in which case ptr might
become an invalid pointer that can crash the garbage collector).
scheme_make_cptr, but
ptr is never treated as
referencing memory managed by the garbage collector.
Creates a C-pointer object that encapsulates both ptr and offset.
The SCHEME_CPTR_OFFSETVAL macro returns offset
for the result Racket object (and the macro be used to change the offset,
since it also works on objects with no offset).
The ptr can refer to either memory managed by the garbage
collector or by some other memory manager; see also
Installs a printer to be used for printing (or writing or displaying)
values that have the type tag type.
The type of printer is defined as follows:
typedef void (*Scheme_Type_Printer)(Scheme_Object *v, int dis, |
Scheme_Print_Params *pp); |
Such a printer must print a representation of the value using
scheme_print_bytes and scheme_print_string. The
first argument to the printer, v, is the value to be printed.
The second argument indicates whether v is printed via
write or display. The last argument is to be passed
on to scheme_print_bytes or scheme_print_string to
identify the printing context.
Writes the content of
str —
starting from offset and
running len bytes — into a printing context determined by
pp. This function is for use by a printer that is installed
with scheme_set_type_printer.Writes the content of
str —
starting from offset and
running len characters — into a printing context determined
by pp. This function is for use by a printer that is installed
with scheme_set_type_printer.void | | scheme_set_type_equality | ( | Scheme_Type type, | | | | | Scheme_Equal_Proc equalp, | | | | | Scheme_Primary_Hash_Proc hash1, | | | | | Scheme_Secondary_Hash_Proc hash2) |
Installs an equality predicate and associated hash functions for
values that have the type tag type. The equalp predicate
is only applied to values that both have tag type.
The type of equalp, hash1, and hash2 are defined as
typedef int (*Scheme_Equal_Proc)(Scheme_Object* obj1, |
Scheme_Object* obj2, |
void* cycle_data); |
typedef intptr_t (*Scheme_Primary_Hash_Proc)(Scheme_Object* obj, |
intptr_t base, |
void* cycle_data); |
typedef intptr_t (*Scheme_Secondary_Hash_Proc)(Scheme_Object* obj, |
void* cycle_data); |
The two hash functions are use to generate primary and secondary keys
for double hashing in an equal?-based hash table. The result
of the primary-key function should depend on both obj and
The cycle_data argument in each case allows checking and hashing
on cyclic values. It is intended for use in recursive checking or
hashing via scheme_recur_equal,
scheme_recur_equal_hash_key, and
scheme_recur_equal_hash_key. That is, do not call plain
scheme_equal, scheme_equal_hash_key, or
scheme_equal_hash_key for recursive checking or hashing on
sub-elements of the given value(s).