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3.2 Documents

WARNING: All bindings in this section are scheduled for removal after version 5.2.1.

A browser contains one document at a time. If hyperlinks are clicked, or the navigation methods (navigate, go-forward, go-back) are used, the document changes.

(send a-mx-document insert-html html)  void?
  html : string?
Inserts the specified HTML string at the beginning of the document.

(send a-mx-document append-html html)  void?
  html : string?
Appends the specified HTML string at the end of the document.

(send a-mx-document replace-html html)  void?
  html : string?
Replace the current HTML in the document with the specified HTML string.

(send a-mx-document objects)  (listof com-object?)
Returns a list of COM objects, including ActiveX controls, that occur in the document. The order of the objects is the same as in the document.

(send a-mx-document insert-object-from-coclass coclass 
  coclass : string?
  width : exact-integer?
  height : exact-integer?
  size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Inserts a COM object with class coclass at the beginning of the document. The optional size argument gives an interpretation for the width and height, where 'percent indicates that the width and height are a fixed percentage of the document window size.

(send a-mx-document insert-object-from-progid progid 
  progid : string?
  width : exact-integer?
  height : exact-integer?
  size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Like insert-object-from-coclass, but with a ProgID instead of a COM class.

(send a-mx-document append-object-from-coclass coclass 
  coclass : string?
  width : exact-integer?
  height : exact-integer?
  size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Like insert-object-from-coclass, but adds to the end of the document.

(send a-mx-document append-object-from-progid progid 
  progid : string?
  width : exact-integer?
  height : exact-integer?
  size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Like insert-object-from-progid, but adds to the end of the document.

(send a-mx-document title)  string?
Returns a string indicating the document’s title, that is, the text that appears within HTML TITLE tags. If the document has no title, the empty string is returned.

(send a-mx-document find-element tag    
  [index])  (is-a?/c mx-element%)
  tag : string?
  id : string?
  index : exact-nonnegative-integer? = 0
Returns an object that encapsulates an HTML element, where tag names an HTML tag, and id names the "id" attribute of the HTML element. The index is a nonnegative integer indicating the zero-based index of the element among all elements with the same tag and id. The ordering of elements is defined by Internet Explorer. The requested element must be within the document’s "body" tags or the "body" element itself.

(send a-mx-document find-element-by-id-or-name id 
  (is-a?/c mx-element%)
  id : string?
  index : exact-nonnegative-integer? = 0
Returns an object that encapsulates an HTML element, where id names either the "id" or "name" attribute of the HTML element. The index is a nonnegative integer indicating the zero-based index of the element among all elements with the same "id" or "name". The ordering of elements is defined by Internet Explorer. The requested element must be within the document’s "body" tags or the "body" element itself.

(send a-mx-document elements-with-tag tag)
  (listof (is-a?/c mx-element%))
  tag : string?
Returns a list of elements with the HTML tag given by tag. The requested elements must be within the document’s "body" tags or the "body" element itself.