On this page:
autosave:  autosavable<%>
autosave:  register
autosave:  current-toc-path
autosave:  toc-path
autosave:  restore-autosave-files/  gui

3 Autosave

Classes that implement this interface can be autosaved.


(send an-autosave:autosavable do-autosave)  void?

This method is called when the object is registered to be autosaved (see autosave:register).


(autosave:register obj)  void?

  obj : 
(and/c (is-a?/c autosave:autosavable<%>)
       (is-a?/c editor<%>))
Adds obj to the list of objects to be autosaved. When it is time to autosave, the do-autosave method of the object is called. This method is responsible for performing the autosave.

There is no need to de-register an object because the autosaver keeps a weak reference to the object; i.e., the autosaver does not keep an object from garbage collection.
The path to the a table-of-contents file for the autosave files.

The parameter is inspected only when the autosave timer expires, which will not happen until after the first call to autosave:register
The default value of the parameter autosave:current-toc-path, and the path to the autosave that DrRacket uses.


(autosave:restore-autosave-files/gui [table])  void?

  table : (or/c #f (listof (list/c (or/c #f absolute-path?) absolute-path?)))
   = #f
Opens a GUI to ask the user about recovering any autosave files left around from crashes or other catastrophic failures.

If table is not supplied, then the file in autosave:current-toc-path is consulted to find the files to restore. If it is supplied, then it is used to find the files to recover. Each inner list names the original file and the autosave file. If the original file was never saved, then the first element of the list is #f.

This function doesn’t return until the user has finished restoring the autosave files. It uses yield to handle events, however.)