13.7.2 Reader-Extension Procedures🔗

Calls to reader extension procedures can be triggered through read, read/recursive, or read-syntax. In addition, a special-read procedure can be triggered by calls to read-char-or-special, or by the context of read-bytes-avail!, peek-bytes-avail!*, read-bytes-avail!, and peek-bytes-avail!*.

Optional arities for reader-macro and special-result procedures allow them to distinguish reads via read, etc., from reads via read-syntax, etc. (where the source value is #f and no other location information is available).

When a reader-extension procedure is called in syntax-reading mode (via read-syntax, etc.), it should generally return a syntax object that has no lexical context (e.g., a syntax object created using datum->syntax with #f as the first argument and with the given location information as the third argument). Another possible result is a special-comment value (see Special Comments). If the procedure’s result is not a syntax object and not a special-comment value, it is converted to one using datum->syntax.

When a reader-extension procedure is called in non-syntax-reading modes, it should generally not return a syntax object. If a syntax object is returned, it is converted to a plain value using syntax->datum.

In either context, when the result from a reader-extension procedure is a special-comment value (see Special Comments), then read, read-syntax, etc. treat the value as a delimiting comment and otherwise ignore it.

Also, in either context, the result may be copied to prevent mutation to vectors or boxes before the read result is completed, and to support the construction of graphs with cycles. Mutable boxes, vectors, and prefab structures are copied, along with any pairs, boxes, vectors, prefab structures that lead to such mutable values, to placeholders produced by a recursive read (see read/recursive), or to references of a shared value. Graph structure (including cycles) is preserved in the copy.